Black Clover: Quartet Knights - Review

Review for Black Clover: Quartet Knights. Game for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 13/09/2018 The version for PC came out on 14/09/2018

Most popular manga or anime-based games offer a different way of experiencing the story. Even if you already know what's to come, killing a fearsome enemy will thrill you. In the case of Black Clover: Quartet Knights, however, it is a separate matter. The characters will be protagonists in a new adventure thus giving fans something new to experience and at the same time newcomers will not have to worry about too many details.. With new enemies, online multiplayer and tons of costumes, is Black Clover: Quartet Knights a must for fans or a "better than nothing"?

The events take place some time after the start of the events already known in the anime, the team and the dynamics are formed, then it starts with the Black Bull team investigating a mysterious dungeon. After venturing out on his own, Yami has mysteriously returned to his teenage form, with his memories regressing as a result. He wants to find Karna; they will meet shortly thereafter, although it will look the same as before. From there the team needs to understand what happened, resolve the situation and stop Karna from revenge of the house Freese.

While there is a lot going on, the story is more of a comic way to introduce game mechanics and modes. The first couple of missions are centered around killing enemies or achieving objectives. None of the modes are particularly complex: the first is the classic "kill all"; the second asks to move an object to a specific point; the third, instead, will require players to collect keys to open a treasure.

Long story short, if you don't have a specific objective, you have to fight against hordes of enemies. Combat is quite simple: you can attack, block, heal, use specials, fire a ranged attack, jump, and so on. Most of the depth of Black Clover: Quartet Knights will come from doing these things effectively, even if the objectives are more about tactics, and paying attention to your health will be more useful than a good defense due to its low amount but high regeneration rate.

We will have a good number of characters available, equipped with alternative costumes, emotion and more to unlock, offering a lot from a quantitative point of view, but the title is certainly more appreciable by playing in multiplayer.

While the basic mechanics are simple enough, online comes down to what others are doing. Since players can choose between melee, range, healing and support, the best teams use their characters effectively. You may want to choose a character with range of support and healing, even if it is rather difficult to manage for the control of the area; or you love action, so you'll opt for another character. In short, as with all online games, even in Black Clover: Quartet Knights there is no bad tactic, although the more casual players can make things difficult.

When playing against others, you will often no longer understand what the goal is and where the enemies are, confusion will reign supreme. There really isn't much to say, even if the game options are well done. Players can choose to stay with the same team, join a new one or simply leave. It's a good way to support unorganized players without making things too horrible or trying to find the right balance.

Black Clover: Quartet Knights - Review


Although multiplayer has still found a good balance, the same cannot be said about graphics and diversity. Most of the areas are small and generic: a ruined temple, a grassy field, and so on. None really leave a lasting impression, given the banality. On top of that, the use of animated scenes and cold, immobile character models is disconcerting and annoying.

Even though the characters have a couple of expressions that highlight their characteristics, they do practically nothing in the intermission skits. The anime-style animated scenes are very nice, but seeing a more uniform quality across the board would have been a better choice.

Black Clover: Quartet Knights - Review

Black Clover: Quartet Knights seeks to bring players into the world of manga through multiplayer with mixed results. Between a lackluster story and poor graphics, an incomplete experience emerges. While it's fun, multiplayer often relies on others, so it can be frustrating with too many casual gamers. Of course, none of these things make Black Clover: Quartet Knights a game to avoid - just figure out what you're up against and whether magic, tactics and anime in a purely multiplayer setting can really tickle you.

► Black Clover: Quartet Knights is a Shooter type game developed by ilinx and published by Bandai Namco for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 13/09/2018 The version for PC came out on 14/09/2018

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