Snapchat How to delete a Snapchat account Snapchat is known for its temporary nature. Messages, photos and videos will disappear forever after the recipient has looked at them. And that's right, you will see your messages dissolve in the blink of an eye, Snapchat has made it so fast and simple that your […]
Snapchat How to take a Snapchat survey You are probably aware that Facebook polls are easy to post and highly engaging. Instagram introduced its poll feature in October 2017 and it was an instant hit. Twitter polls are also extremely popular and cover both funny and serious topics. Why are polls so […]
Snapchat How to slow down a video on Snapchat Do you know that it is possible to slow down videos on Snapchat? Snapchat users are always looking for ways to make their content more interesting. Fortunately, the app is constantly adding new features like "Speed Modifiers" to help them do just that. Now […]
Snapchat Best Celebrity Accounts on Snapchat Best Celebrity Accounts on Snapchat As you already know your favorite stars are on Snapchat, finding them to add them to your friends list can become a difficult task. Celebrities use the social media platform to share sexy selfies from behind the scenes, […]
Snapchat Snapchat: how to save photos and videos? iOS and Android Snapchat is a very well known messaging app, it is a wonderful application that destroys messages after viewing them. You can send a photo, video, or text on Snapchat and the message disappears after a short time or after the recipient watches it. Compatible […]
Snapchat How to set up Bitmoji and Snapchat If you've used Snapchat, you've probably noticed that some of your friends have a cartoonish profile picture that they can even include in several Snaps. This is a "Bitmoji". Let's see how to set one up for use with Snapchat. How to set up Bitmoji and Snapchat For […]
Snapchat How to Cameo on Snapchat Snapchat is one of the best communication apps because it is very innovative and different from all other apps. Snapchat is constantly improving, with many new features being added all the time. One of the most anticipated is the new Cameo feature. If you […]
Snapchat How to share a YouTube video to Snapchat Sharing links is a core feature of many messaging apps and platforms. If YouTube videos are what you want to share in Snapchat, then you will need two things. Download or update your Snapchat and YouTube apps. Here are the Google Play Store links for Snapchat […]
Snapchat How To Fix Unfortunately Snapchat Has Stopped On Android How to fix Unfortunately Snapchat has stopped on Android. There are many reasons that can cause this error "Unfortunately Snapchat has stopped". Once you start getting this error Snapchat cannot be used properly, to get rid of this annoying situation follow my […]
Snapchat Unable to connect to Snapchat. What to do? Are you a regular Snapchat user but can't connect to the application? Do you get an error message saying you can't log in and want to try again later? Here are two tips to fix this impossible connection problem. Unable to connect to Snapchat. What to do? Automatic […]