How to easily see Realm Royale stats of all players?

Being able to see all players' stats in Realm Royale can help you have better performance and control of your actions. This data says a lot about the time played, the skill and other characteristics of the users, so you will surely want to know them.

What can I know with the stats in Realm Royale?

If you like Battle Royals, but don't want to create a Roblox account, the Realm Royal will meet and exceed your expectations. And, once you start enjoying this amazing game in the style of the popular PUBG vs Fortnite, you won't be able to stop.

However, you will need to know your stats and, why not, those of other players. Among these data you will be able to see the playing time, as well as the games won and theirs position in the category ranking. In the same way it is possible to know these values ​​according to the type of game, that is, when it is individual, in pairs or squad.

How to see the stats of all players in Realm Royale?

To see stats in Realm Royale, you must first run the browser of your choice from your computer. Well, in it, you have to go up »Realmtracker«, a web page specializing in this data. In it you will be able to see the leaders of the different categories, as well as a specific exam bar to know the counts.

How to easily see Realm Royale stats of all players?

The latter has a complete functioning, since it allows you to choose, with its icons, the platform on which the Realm Royale is usually used. These are your PCs with Windows 10, PlayStation and Xbox and, to continue, you need to tick the appropriate option.

Moreover, it is It is essential that you know the username of the player you want to consult, it doesn't matter if it's yours or someone else's. It also works with the ID you get when you create an account on Steam.

All this is necessary, since, in order to see the statistics in RR, you have to type the user in the search bar that you have already seen. And, to proceed, you have to press the search arrow located on the right.

In this way, the window will populate and you will be able to see all the data and statistics in Realm Royale for that player. You can also run this process as many times as you want and with different usernames, regardless of the system they use to play.

Can I know the statistics by class or otherwise?

Yes, you can also see the statistics in Realm Royale divided by class, for this you have to be on the same page «Realmtracker». Then, search by user and game platform.

How to easily see Realm Royale stats of all players?

You will now see two options at the top of the results, these are "Overview" and "Detailed". Then, you have to choose what kind of information you want to consult about that player.

Query in Overview

Right under this option, you will see two drop-down menus. The first is «Mode Type», where you can choose between «Battle Royal» o «Death Match». While, the second "Class" menu allows you to select classes. Among them will be the «Warrior», «Magician» and «Engineer».

In Detailed mode

Here you can also see two menus that extend to show you more components, however, being more precise, they are divided into «Queue» and «Class». In the first mode, you can choose between a general query or by game type, or " Solo "," Duo "or" Team ".

However, the classes can only be edited when you are not in "Queue" mode, as you will see all genres in this. As for the professions available in the other queries, you can choose the one you want.

Add your user to favorites

On the other hand, another great quality of this website is that if you make constant requests, you can add the user to «Favorites ". This way, you can easily search for it.

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