What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?

Both the Green Paper and the Pitchdeck are documents that summarize information on a given topic. In the case of Wanaka Farm, these documents they provide a fairly specific sample of the game's content.

Hence, covering the elements of the playable environment in which the player will immerse himself; as well as each phase of the release of each update of the game. Therefore, the Wanaka Farm Pitchdeck and Green Book are an appetizer for the player to be aware of what the game is meant to offer.

What is the information that comes in the Pitchdeck about?

The Wanaka Farm Pitchdeck shows a summary of the different elements that make up the environment within the game. The Pitchdeck familiarizes those who want to be Wanaka Farm players; with the various existing resources and each of the functions they perform.

Game view and sound

Wanaka Farm is a video game visually inspired by a city in the South Island of New Zealand called Wanaka; hence the name of the game. In Wanaka Farm the player takes on the role of a farmer to farm, raise animals and produce various objects; as well as to decorate at will the farm you own.

In addition, the game's developers have managed to integrate the sounds of the place; to evoke the natural charm of the city and provide a relaxing gaming experience.

What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?

With the development of Wanaka Farm for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality modes; the visual and sound experience of the game it should be even rougher and more engaging.

Band of listeners

In Wanaka Farm, unlike other NFT games, i players will not have to compete against others ; Rather, the game's methodology is based on collaboration between users. For what Wanaka Farm refers to the purposes of contributing to users of different genders, occupations, ages and places.


This section of the Wanaka Farm Pichtdeck details each section that the user will be able to enjoy when deciding to join the Wanaka Farm gaming community.

  • Modes and devices: during the initial game modes, it will be compatible with computers and mobile phones; with 2D characters. Subsequently, in standard mode the game will be compatible with PlayStation consoles; through the integration of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
  • Lands: Every land available in Wanaka Farm has unique characteristics, which will define its rarity ; Also, the user can decorate it as he likes. Each land can be of types: Base, Lake, Forest and Sea.
  • Seasons: As in New Zealand, in the game Wanaka Farm, the lands can have all four seasons of the year. But not all lands will have this characteristic, it will be randomly assigned by the platform.
  • Rarity: there are six different types of rarities for each land of Wanaka, each of the different rarities offers advantages in terms of cycle and speed of production growth:
    • Common
    • Raro
    • Strange
    • Legendary
    • Mythical
    • Immortal
  • Energy and Level: Each player is assigned a certain level of energy each day ; which will be consumed at the level of the production activities carried out in the company. On the other hand, the longer a player is active in Wanaka, the higher his level will be.

What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?

First steps for farmers

To become part of the Wanaka Farm community, the user must create an account on the platform; for which it is necessary to have previously created and linked a virtual wallet account, Metamask or Trust Wallet. Each player will represent a farmer and to get a piece of land they can go to the Wanaka Farm market; as well as MochiMarket and Binance NFT.

When the user owns land, you can decorate it as you like through the different resources which can acquire in the gaming market. On the other hand, you can also rent it, through a contract that the parties involved must respect.

Game resource function

The developers of Wanaka Farm have implemented a large number of resources in the game in order to offer variety. In this section of the Wanaka Pichdeck you will find all resources available from the initial phase of the game.

  • Seed Assets: this is the main resource of the game and the user will have to acquire it in the Wanaka market. Seed resources are used for land production and can be either normal or genetically modified.
  • Goods of cultivation: are the elements in a state of growth, be they plants or pets. These assets can have up to three different stages of development before being marketable.
  • Harvest Resources: These are the resources the player has collected and only in this state can they be sold on the market.
  • Product Resources: These resources are obtained from the resources of the crop and offer greater benefits for their commercialization.
  • Construction goods: these are the elements used for decoration, delimitation and roads. Obtained when participating in special events in the game; during holidays such as the Day of Love and Friendship, as well as at Christmas.

What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?

Production house

This section within Wanaka Farm is intended for the production of new assets. It is to the production house that players must go to convert cultivation resources into production resources.

Breeding house

In this section of the game, users have the opportunity to create a new genetically modified seed ; from the goods collected. The success of each of these combinations will depend on the specific conditions of each asset to be combined.

Life cycle

This section of the Wanaka Farm Pitchdeck refers to the duration of each resource in the game. This life cycle is subject to each player's playing strategies. So a seed resource can become a growth resource and later be a crop resource; to be finally commercialized and end its life cycle.

Otherwise, if the player does not want to sell the collected good, he can take it to the production house; for create a produced good and then sell it. These are the life cycles that resources can have in Wanaka Farm.

Combination of mestizos

Players can combine different seeds or pets to create a new breed ; This will depend on the characteristics of each of the assets and their compatibility or not. The process takes place on the farm, guaranteeing two possible results of the combination; a successful new resource or a new failed hybrid resource.

What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?

Token distribution

Wanaka Farm has distributed all the tokens it owns by following and considering every aspect the game aims to cover. So each of the 500.000.000 Wanaka Farm tokens is assigned to:

  • Public sales: 12.500.000 tokens for the IDO launch of the game, which account for 2,5%.
  • Private Sales: 27.500.000 which represents 5,5% of the tokens, reserved for private sales.
  • Strategic Association: 30.000.000 tokens for the game's strategic association, equal to 6% of the tokens.
  • Team e Partner: 100.000.000 tokens reserved for founding and non-founding members of Wanaka Farm. Being 20% ​​of the tokens.
  • Bet Reward: 50.000.000 tokens which is 10% of the total.
  • Marketing and Community: 50.000.000 tokens, 10% of the total for events area of community of the game and its advertising.
  • Reserves: 95.000.000 tokens, which is 19% allocated to game update releases.
  • Play to earn rewards: 125.000.000 coins representing 25% of the total. Intended to motivate players in the game environment, in competitions and other activities within Wanaka.
  • DEX liquidity: 2,0% which is 10.000.000 tokens destined for the DEX liquidity group.


Wanaka Farm's Blockchain technology they do not Binance Smart Chain ; thanks to the low transaction costs, as well as the growing popularity of the platform. As for gaming assets, they will be stored as NFTs within the Binance Smart Chain Blockchain.

AR and VR development 19

Using the elements of Virtual Reality, Wanaka Farm users will be able to access a new experience in the 3D environment. The development of this methodology is projected from the first person perspective; so that the player can touch the animals and plants he is raising.

Wanaka Fam's Virtual Reality mode will be compatible with: Oculus Quest / Oculus Quest 2, Oculus Rift, Value Index VR, Play Station VR and HTC Vive. The Augmented Reality experience, on the other hand, will be available exclusively for mobile devices.

What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?

Augmented Reality mode aims to give a unique experience of the Wanaka Farm environment; also offering the user the possibility of take a picture with the assets and elements of the game.

Technology and technical matrix

This section of the Wanaka Farm Pitchdeck rates as the technical matrix of the game is anchored to Blockchain technology. Wanaka Farm has two tokens (WANA and WAI) which are in the Binance Smart Chain domain. Likewise, this section highlights each platform that Wanaka will reach and with which the user can enjoy the game environment:

  • Mobile devices: for iOS and Android systems.
  • PC: Tramite browser, App per computer e Steam.

community governance

Wanaka Farm has an organization decentralized called Community Council, managed by users; so the players are largely the ones who control the game. In addition, the game also features the concept of decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

Each of these organizations was developed with the goal of learn about users' gaming experiences; consider each of them and implement them in future phases of Wanaka Farm.

Community events

The events that Wanaka Farm intends to carry out are aimed at involve players in social events ; of the community and for the good of the community. Some of the community events in the game are: volunteering to save Africa, rescue of agricultural products, granting of funds to prevent natural disasters; in addition to tree plantations.

What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?

What information will you find in the Wanaka Farm Green Paper?

This Wanaka Farm fact sheet quickly updates users on what you want the game to treat as a platform. Therefore, the Green Paper informs the user of the commercial expectations that Wanaka's team has, as well as the relationship they want to achieve with the player.

Opportunity overview

In this section the document highlights how la demand for NFT games continues to increase ; with no signs of a possible decline in NFT markets in the near future. This following the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the video game market; as new players were gradually added.

With this in mind, the developers at Wanaka Farm firmly believe that games are designed for a "Play to Win" or "Play to Win" model; represent the window of new opportunities for users and the future of video games in general.

Value proposition

Wanaka Farm shows the objectives it intends to achieve in three different sections. In order to offer its users a fun, accessible and beneficial gaming environment.

  • Play and Win: Derived from the main goal of NFT games, "play to win". However, unlike most NFT games, Wanaka Farm tries to integrate game users; for a entertaining and profitable gaming ecosystem.
  • Compatible with mobile devices: Wanaka Farm tries to offer comfort to the players; so it is not only compatible with computers, but can also be played on mobile devices.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality experience: With this quality, Wanaka Farm players will be able to enjoy a more complete experience of the game's ecosystem.

What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?

How do you imagine a farm in Wanaka when it works?

The game on the Wanaka Farm platform can be enjoyed with your friends or family ; as the game environment is relaxing. Also, when the game is available via virtual and augmented reality technology; the farm experience will be more complete by fully immersing the player in the vast world of Wanaka Farm.

Furthermore, even though the game has already been launched on the market, since before the beta version was launched; the game's developers got involved with the user community to know their expectations. So that some of the most anticipated aspects could be included.

Views and sounds of the Wanaka farm

This section of the Wanaka Green Paper shows the visual appearance that each element will have in the game environment. Then you can see what each of the six types of agricultural land looks like; as well as the appearance of avatars, plants and animals. In addition, the player will be able to take a look at the Wanashop and Wanatrade shops; as well as the articles available in each of them.

How to play and how to expand your farm

There are two main ways to play Wanaka Farm: as a land owner, also called a land owner, or by renting land from an owner. In the latter case, if the player rents a piece of land, he will be able to produce it for the time agreed between the parties; before it returns in its entirety to the original owner.

In whichever of the different game methods you choose, the player must be a farmer from Wanaka Farm. That is, you will have to farm resources in order to subsequently collect and market them. On the other hand, in order to expand the farm in Wanaka Farm, players can play more activities like making and preparing a lot of land. As well as planting trees, watering trees, feeding and raising pets, and growing crops.

Use you can give your funds

Bonuses you earn during the height of in-game activities will be received in the form of WAI tokens. Furthermore, you will also receive this token when you sell your assets on the gaming market; This series of bonuses will add up to your bankroll in the game. With this currency, you will be able to acquire the resources you want in the Wanashop market.

Market strategy

Wanaka Farm reflects in this section of the game's Green Paper, each of the stages it plans to carry out in game development; highlighting aspects that will be performed even after the game is launched. Each of these stages aims at achieve a specific goal through a specific strategy.

  • Initial stage: The goal is launch the game on the market, get a position in it and attract a certain community of members. For this, the game's developers created the platform's official website; as well as a series of missions and events together for the players. Plus amazing rewards for playing frequently.
  • Development phase: to bring new game modes and more NFT assets to the Wanaka environment; for add new users and investors. Launching an environment compatible with other devices, game content on YouTube; as well as promotions to influence player awareness.
  • Expansion phase: to get a new trading list and reach new countries and cities that have not signed up for the game. Take advantage of the amazing prize promotions to get more players; trying to keep the game tokens above the price to make it more attractive to the public.

What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?


La roadmap delineata da Wanaka Farm indicates the expected release date for each phase game environment. By including in each of these sections, the aspect that this phase intends to achieve.

  • Phase One: The Whose launch period is in the third quarter of the year 2021. This release includes version 1.0 of the PC game and the WANA token for NFT investors.
  • Phase two: which should be launched on the market during the last quarter of 2021. This phase includes the launch of version 1.1 of Wanaka Farm for browser; accompanied by events and competitions for the gaming community.
  • Phase Three: This phase of the game is expected to be released during the first quarter of the year 2022. This is version 1.2 of Wanaka Farm and will be compatible with mobile devices; both iOS and Android.
  • Phase Four: This phase includes the launch of version 1.3 of Wanaka Farm, for offer the game environment in Augmented Reality. The launch date for this phase is during the second quarter of the year 2022.
  • Phase Five: The last phase planned so far and which will be launched during the third quarter of 2022. This will be version 1.4 of Wanaka Farm for the virtual reality environment ; as well as adding more NFT resources to game operation.

The competitive landscape

Wanaka Farm shows users in this section of the Green Paper, the features that the game has and that it lacks. Make a comparison chart with other titles like My Neighbor Alice and the NFT Axie Infinity game.

  • Blockchain: Wanaka Farm uses the BSC network, while Axie Infinity uses the Blockchain technology of the Ethereum and Ronin networks. For her part, Alice uses Chromia.
  • Token: Wanaka Farm and Axie Infinity use two tokens: WANA, WAI and AXS, SLP respectively. Alice owns a single token, ALICE.
  • Collateral NFT: Axie Infinity is the only one that doesn't have a collateral NFT, while Wanaka Farm and Alice do.
  • Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality: Wanaka Farm is the only NFT game that offers this method of play, compared to Axie Infinity and Alice.
  • Market Value: Wanaka Farm is valued at USD 996; while Axie Infinity is worth $ 1 billion. Alice has a market value of $ 76 million.
  • Game Rating: Axie Infinity is the most popular game of the three, worth $ 4 billion. For her part, Alice is worth $ 440 million and Wanaka Farm with $ 35 million.

What are Wanaka Farm documents and what can you learn from them?

Team e partner

Wanaka Farm owes its reliability to large number of professionals who are part of the scoreboard of the game. In addition to having numerous partners; each of which Wanaka Farm names in this section of the Green Paper. Therefore, the Wanaka Farm Team currently consists of:

  • Co- fondatori: Truong Tran, Thuan Nguyen, Duc Hoang, Sang Nguyen e Cakoin.
  • CM: Led Ong.
  • Art game designer: Hung urge.
  • 3D designer: Ank Pham.
  • Game Developers: Tung Le, Thank Chu, Cong Nguyen, Lam Nghiem, and Quyen Vuong.
  • Stack developers: Hieu Nguyen and Tien Tran.
  • Graphic designer: Xuan Think.
  • VFX animator and artist: Lam Nguyen.
  • Artista 3D: Hieu Le.
  • 3D animator: Hung Nguyen.
  • Conceptual artist: Nam Nguyen.

Now, Wanaka Farm's partners are: Kyber Network, TomoChain, MoonWhale Ventures, LuaVentures, TagVentures, Mirabo, Ca'Koin, MochiLab and Mochi Market. Furthermore, are also game partners: TK Ventures, DuckDao and Poolz.

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