One of the two most challenging trophies of Until Dawn plans to have all the protagonists die so that no one survives until dawn. Below, divided by characters and chapters, you will find a guide - beware of spoilers! - with all the choices to make to make sure none of the eight protagonists see the sun rise.
This guide will start from chapter five, since during the first four chapters, regardless of the player's choices, the only character who could die prematurely is Jessica. Whether the girl dies or survives (when she is kidnapped by the Wendigo in the annex with Mike) do not worry, in this guide we will tell you exactly how to stop her from arriving safe and sound until dawn.
As Mike, let go of the mechanical hand (and the relative trap it hides), then make friends with the wolf by stroking him and feeding him one of the bones that are in the chest near the altar of the chapel, in the sanatorium.
Part 1
As Matt, don't hit the deer but stay calm and just walk away.
Having taken control of Emily, climb to the top of the radio tower and turn the power back on with the differential at the top, outside the room. Do not pick up the flare gun but go immediately to the radio to call for help.
Having regained control of Matt, once the tower collapsed, choose twice to save Emily: the girl will fall anyway but will be saved, while Matt will die immediately.
Part 2
As Ashley, collect the scissors in the basement after seeing the ghost and examining the dollhouse. Use them almost immediately to save Chris from the psycho.
In the next scene, as Chris, you choose to shoot Ashley.
Part 1
As Emily, escape the monsters and at the fork go left on the elevator. Once at the top, go up on the conveyor belt and, when the game asks you, choose to go down. At the end of the quick time event session Emily will be bitten by the Wendigo (if you have followed the guide so far, Em will not have the flare gun with her and will not be able to defend herself from the bite).
Part 2
Passed in the role of Chris, you can choose whether to miss the quick time events during the escape from the monsters and let the boy die or, if you want a more theatrical death and accompanied by the trophy "Ashley took it", correctly overcome the qte and enjoy the revenge of the girl who, rightly enraged by the fact that you chose to shoot her shortly before, will leave you in the open at the mercy of monsters.
Before the end of the chapter, it's time to say goodbye to Emily: once Mike sees the bite he will point a gun at her, convinced that the girl can transform and attack the group. When the game asks you, shoot Em and kill her.
Part 1
In the role of Mike at the sanatorium, miss all the quick time events and make the wolf die trying to save your life. During the escape don't enter the left room but go straight, close the door and don't shoot the monster beyond it. Go back outside and avoid shooting again (if you want you can shoot the monsters, but don't shoot the explosive cans): doing so will end the scene with Mike knocked down by a monster (but not dead yet, for this you will have to wait for the last chapter) .
Part 2
As Ashley, go down the manhole with Sam. When you hear what appears to be Jess's voice, choose to investigate and open the hatch. Ashley will be attacked by a Wendigo and will die.
Part 3
In Sam's shoes, climb up and exit the mines by picking up the shovel, continuing to the sanatorium door. Save Mike and escape with him.
Part 1
As Sam, continue in the water without collecting the vital clue from the diary: this way, in the next scene, Josh will die.
Part 2
If Matt was previously saved or Jessica survived the kidnapping of the Wendigo you will find yourself controlling the two characters (or only one of the two, depending on who survived the previous chapters). Not bad: miss the quick time events and let the time run out without making a decision at the crossroads to sentence any survivors to certain death.
Part 3
As Josh, enter the water and let the monster attack you: if as previously written Sam has not collected the life proof, Josh will die (while Mike will be saved once again).
Part 4
Back at the chalet, as Sam, go down to the cinema room to kick off the last scene of the game. Whether you close the door or not does not matter, you will still find yourself all on the ground floor, invaded by monsters. You just have to miss the quick time events and move the controller when it comes to standing still to get the monsters to kill Sam.
Finally took control of Mike, miss all the quick time events to fall to the ground and use the lighter to blow up the chalet and automatically make Mike perish in the flames.