What happens when you have a card at the maximum level in Clash Royale?

And the fact is, in a game of this type (which is updated every now and then), you have to always be active looking for what's new to come out and what's already out (e.g. how often a new quarter comes out). Because you never know when they put something they can change completely the your strategy.

What happens when you have a card at the maximum level in Clash Royale?

One of the biggest questions for players who come back after leaving the game for a while and also for those who are still at very low levels is what happens when you have a card at the highest level in Clash Royale ?

It is very easy to answer this question, however as there are several things that happen when you reach the last level, you need to separate the tutorial into at least two parts, so that you have a better understanding of everything.

The first thing that happens is what happened from the start of the game and it's not the fact that you can build the perfect deck, which actually happens too. But when the max level is finally reached with any card of any quality, they end up turning gold that goes straight to the player.

What happens when you have a card at the maximum level in Clash Royale?

For this to happen, you need to collect the minimum number of cards of the final level, which would be: 100 for municipality, 10 for special, 5 for epic and 1 for legendary. Once you have them, whenever you get that card again, it will automatically turn to gold.

The quantity of this coin will be dictated by the quality of the card in question, being: 5 gold for each municipality, 50 for specials, 500 for epics and 20.000 for legendary ones. Likewise, if you don't want gold, you can continue donating or trading your cards in the clan as usual.

In fact, as a recommendation, you should always try to donate as much cards as possible, as this will give you the points you need to do other things, like the ones you'll see below.

star points

Now that you know the first part of the answer to the question " What happens when you have a card at the highest level in Clash Royale? IS time for you to see what has been added in one of the game's most anticipated updates.

These were the key points and skins for the characters. These points will automatically be awarded to you as gold when you meet the previously established requirements, however you will have for this your king's tower must be at level 13.

If so, you will see that in addition to gold you will be awarded star points. They are not only given to you for excess cards, but also to donate and improve them. And its operation is simple, once you have the necessary ones, you can unlock the star levels in your cards.

What happens when you have a card at the maximum level in Clash Royale?

Each of them (there are three of them), will give you different looks for creatures. The first level will make your card fall into the sand with a golden animation and the border will also be the same color. Upon reaching the second, your character will acquire golden details.

And finally, in the third, they will receive a completely different look and animation, which are unique to each character. Keep in mind that this will alter the stats (which by the way you should learn to look at and know the stats of the cards).

By that you already know the second part of the answer to the question What happens when you have a card at the highest level in Clash Royale?

The only thing you need to do now is to download the App from the PlayStore again (if you have canceled it) and look for tips and tricks to improve in Clash Royale quickly, so as not only to recover the level but also to become better.

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