Telegram has enjoyed the limelight in recent weeks, ever since Facebook decided to change WhatsApp's privacy policy for better or worse. Telegram is a privacy-focused messaging app that works a little differently than its peers. For example, in addition to groups, it also includes channels.
And unlike WhatsApp, there is a search function to search for these groups and channels. Telegram groups and channels seem confusing, but they serve a different purpose. How do you find these Telegram groups and channels and how do you join them? This is what we will discover today.
How to find Telegram groups
There are two types of groups. There are private groups that you cannot find or join unless you have been invited and added. This is the sole discretion of the creator or group administrator. By default, groups are private because they are designed for friends and family. This can be changed in the group settings.
Private groups have long, complex URLs that you can share to invite new members. Public groups can have custom URLs that make them easy to remember and share.
You can search for public Telegram groups but only if you know the exact name or username of the group. Otherwise, ask the creator / admin of the group to send an invitation or add you to the group.
Tap the search icon in the top right corner of the screen and type the name of the public group. You should see it at the top of the search results.
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How to participate in Telegram groups
We have seen that there are two types of groups. We have also seen how to find them, in the case of public groups. Private groups are not to be found, of course.
Joining a public group is easy. Just tap on the group name in the search results and select the Join button at the bottom of the screen.
Everyone who is part of the group will see a message informing them of the latest member of the group. A notification is also displayed when someone leaves the group which is also quite easy.
For those who have been invited via a link, clicking on it will automatically open the Telegram group. Again, tap the Join button.
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How to find telegram channels
Channels are not very different from groups in Telegram. This is why the basic mechanism remains the same and some steps overlap. For example, channels can also be private or public, just like groups. And the steps to find these channels are also the same.
You can't find them in search results if they're private. You can search for them if you know the channel name using the search function.
How to participate in Telegram channels
Unlike groups, no announcements will be made when you join or leave a channel. Only the creator or administrator of the channel can send notifications to subscribers of any developments. For discussions, there are groups that can be assigned to channels.
Once you've found a public channel, open it from the search results and tap the Subscribe button at the bottom of the screen to subscribe.
Clicking on the channel link will launch the Telegram app with the channel in question ready to join. Just tap the button.
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How to send invitations to groups and channels
The invitation system works the same for both groups and channels. Open the group or channel you want to share with others, tap the group or channel name and you should see the name under the Info heading.
Tap on the group name, whatever it is, and you'll notice the familiar Android Share pop-up menu from the bottom of the screen. Select a contact or app where you want to share the Telegram group or channel and follow the onscreen instructions.
Send a Telegram
Telegram is more secure and private and offers a number of features such as missing missing messages in most other messaging apps. The ability to create large groups and channels with hundreds of thousands of members and subscribers was previously unheard of.
This is another reason why so many users prefer Telegram to WhatsApp. It was designed to be scalable. You can then assign different admin roles to other members to help you manage large groups and channels. Finally, bots can be programmed to perform specific tasks, automating everyday and mundane management tasks.
This short guide should have answered your basic questions about Telegram groups and channels, how to find them, share them with others, and how to join these groups / channels. The process is really simple, and Telegram offers enough control over privacy and security. You can always check the Telegram FAQ page to understand the official answer of the options
Further Reading:
- How to create a group chat on Telegram
- Telegram tricks, how to use it like a pro
- How to chat without phone number, top 5 apps
- How to block a person on Telegram
- How to prevent anyone from adding you to a WhatsApp group