iPhone photo app. best iOS apps for taking and editing photos using the right app can in many cases compensate for our lack of photographic technique, improving the shots making them immediately shareable.
The best iphone photo apps to take and edit photos
Iphone photo apps on the Apple store, some for free and others for a fee to improve and make your shots unique.
Rookie Cam
The strength of Rookie Cam it is definitely in post shooting processing.
While with the other editors you can go to modify the more classic settings such as red eye reduction or brightness, here we have access to a real set of filters that work with a method similar to that of Prisma, that is, they go to deeply modify the image.
Slow Shutter Cam
With Slow Shutter Camera we will greatly improve our night shots in an extremely simple way. To capture decent images in low light, you need to increase the shutter speed, thus allowing the camera sensor to let in more light.
Slow Shutter Camera allows us to do it in a simple and intuitive way. With two simple controls that we can use via slide, it will be possible to increase the shutter speed and sensitivity to light. In this way we will not only be able to take excellent photos at night, but also to capture images of moving objects by immortalizing real trails of light, for example the headlights of a car.
Inside you will find the right balance between many functions and a few graphical hindrances. Even if you are faced with a simple interface, such as in automatic mode, Manual it was not designed for fast shooting.
In fact, you can take advantage of its options, among which certainly stand out white balance, color temperature, exposure and ISO. Edits are applied through very intuitive sliders and a box that works as a magnifying glass allows you to adjust the focus of the image.
With a simple and really functional interface it will be possible to apply live a series of filters with a single swipe.
In addition to the live function, it is possible to modify the image taken, allowing us to modify the size, brightness and detail of the image itself. About twenty filters are offered for free inside, making it already a truly complete application, while others are available with in-app purchases.
Camera +
Camera + has established itself as one of the best photography apps for iOS: has in fact introduced functions such as image stabilization and exposure control before Apple itself. Now in its sixth edition, Camera + remains first of its class, with a series of really useful functions and a customizable interface that allows you to control it to the fullest.
The style is extremely simple, with the classic central button that allows you to take the photo, the flash option and the one to select the front camera. In the lower bar we also find the ISO, focus and white balance buttons to always have immediate control over the shot we are about to take. Camera + it is also equipped with a suite of filters that will allow you to edit your photos before publishing them on social networks or simply to save them.
Procamera 8
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the default camera of Apple devices, with this app you will find a mountain of more features that will allow you to “Shoot like a Pro”, as the slogan itself says. Many, perhaps too many modifiable settings for a basic user, but this is precisely the core of Procamera: giving the user the possibility to choose every possible and imaginable setting.
Prisma it is certainly one of the most powerful tools for taking, editing and sharing our photos. If in the shooting part we do not find anything particular, with a simple interface and with few functions, the real gem is represented by the suite of effects that can be applied later.
There are all types and for all tastes, with the certainty of transforming your photographs into small works of art. It will also be possible to choose an image previously present in the gallery to apply the effects. Currently there are about twenty filters, all very beautiful: ranging from the Picasso style to the Mosaic one passing through Heisenber
Born to be simple and effective, it offers a series of preset filters that allow you to take and share photos very quickly. Once you have created (if you want) your account you will find yourself in front of a minimal and no frills shooting screen.
In this part of the application, all you can do is plug the screen and VSCO Cam, it will automatically optimize focus, contrast and brightness. Once the image has been saved, it will be possible to apply filters, very simple but very effective to modify the photo and then publish it.