Fallout 4 - Cheats and Codes

Fallout 4 - Cheats and Codes
When the command console comes to the rescue with various codes, cheats and tricks.

All the codes that we will show you in this guide must be entered via the game console. So let's talk about the PC version of Fallout 4. To activate the console just press the apostrophe (') or the backlash () key. If a bar does not appear at the bottom of your screen, check the associated command via the options and modify it to your liking.
We would like to remind you that Bethesda has discouraged the use of most of the codes listed below. We therefore invite you to take the necessary precautions before continuing on your adventure. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need help.

The codes are divided into sections: Debug, Missions, Inventory, NPC, Factions, Character, Interaction, Settlements and some pre-packaged codes for you.

If you have trouble with any trophies, most of the codes at the bottom can come to your rescue. Don't forget to check out our Trophies and Achievements List as well.

Fallout 4 - Cheats and Codes

FALLOUT 4 TRICKS - DEBUGGING (God Mode, Collisions Off, Map Markers, etc.)

  • help - Helps in finding IDs, skill names (Perk), along with other commands. Remove " ". The search is successful if the terms used are in English. Essential if you want to change certain IDs.

    • search term: Enter a specific term.

    • filter: Number from 0 to 4.

      • 0 - All the results.

      • 1 - Commands.

      • 2 - Settings.

      • 3 - Global variables.

      • 4 - Requires adding a search specification:

    • type:

      • NPC_ - NPC

      • ARMO - Armor and clothing.

      • weap - Weapons.

      • QUST - Missions.

      • CELL - Cells.

      • OMOD - Item changes.

      • MISC - Various objects.

      • FACT - Factions.

      • PERK - Capacity, perks.

    • Example:

      • help leather 0 - Will show anything that has the name "leather" in it.

      • help “leather armor” 0 - If there are more words in the search term, use the appropriate quotation marks (“).

      • help raider 4 armo - Shows a list of all armor and clothing that have the word raider.

  • ClearConsole o clear - Cleans the console log.

  • ShowAllMapMarkers o tMM

    • tmm 1 - Shows all markers on the map and enables fast transport.

    • tmm 0 - Deletes all indicators on the map.

    • tmm 1,0,1 - Shows all markers on the map as not yet discovered.

  • ToggleGodMode o tgm - Allows you to become invincible, ammo, inventory items, base creations are endless Eliminate the transportable weight limit.

  • ToggleImmortalMode o tim - The character will continue to take damage, but his health will never drop to zero.

  • ToggleCollision o tcl - Similar to the fly command, it allows you to move the character in any direction, avoiding collision with solid objects.

  • ToggleGamePause o tgp - Pause the game without opening the menu. Useful for capturing game images (screenshots).

  • SetCameraFOV o fov - Change the angle of the horizontal camera Ffire Of View. Higher values ​​allow more elements of the game world to be visible on the screen. Worth the overall picture quality.

    • fov o fov 0 0 - Default, 70 degrees.

    • fov 90 - Bring the third person camera to 90 degrees.

  • ToggleFlyCam o tfc - Move the camera regardless of the character.

    • tfc 1 - Freeze all animations, useful for capturing game images (screenshots).

  • SetUfoCamSpeedMult o sucsm - Change the speed of movement of the camera. 20 is the standard value.

  • ToggleMenus o tm - Remove Overlay UI. (HUD)

  • screenshot - Capture game images without deleting the HUD. They are located in the game directory.

  • CharacterLight o cl - Activate / Deactivate / Change the light effects of the characters.

  • UpdateGodraySettings o gr - Activate / Deactivate / Modify the God-Rays, lighting effects that can make the fps drop a lot.

  • CenterOnCell o Bake - Transport the character to the center of a specific area.

    • coc PrewarSanctuaryExt01 - Transport the character to Sanctuary Hills before the Wasteland.

    • coc RedRocketExt - Transport to Red Rocket Gas Station.

  • SetConsoleOutputFile o scof - Writes the console output to a specific file.

  • RunConsoleBatch o Beat - Executes the commands indicated in a text file (.txt).

  • ToggleGrass o tg - Enable / Disable the display of the surrounding flora.

  • ToggleLODLand o tll - Enable / disable the detail level of distant objects.

  • ToggleSky o ts - Activate / Deactivate the sky display.

  • ToggleWaterSystem o tws - Activate / Deactivate the water display.

  • ToggleWireframe o twf - Toggle Wireframe mode on / off, showing only the edges of solid objects.

  • Quitgame o qqq - Allows immediate closure of the game.

  • ClearScreenBlood o cSB - Removes residues of blood, explosions and the like.

  • SaveGame o save - Create a save file: specify its name after the command.

  • LoadGame o load - Load saving a specific file: specify the name of the file to load.

  • SetGlobalTimeMultiplier or sgtm - Increase the speed of game time. It is advisable not to exceed the number 50.


MISSIONS (Main and Secondary)

To find the quest IDs, just use the help command above (help 0). We remind you that the name must be entered in English. Also use the “sqt” command described below to get a better handle on it.

  • SetStage - Move the quest in question to the list of active missions at a specific time in the mission. Useful for overcoming parts of buggy missions without necessarily making it complete.

  • GetStage - Show partial ID of the current incomplete mission.

  • sqt - Generate a list of current mission IDs. Useful for finding mission IDs.

  • CompleteQuest - Complete the mission in question.

  • ResetQuest - Reset mission progress to zero.

  • FailQuest - Allows you to fail the mission.

  • ShowQuestObjectives or sqo - Show all mission objectives.

  • completeallobjectives - Complete all mission objectives.

  • caqs - Complete all missions in the game.

  • MoveToQuestTarget or movetoqt - Transport the player to the mission objective.

  • ShowQuestStages or sqs - Show all stages of a mission.


INVENTORY (Add items, caps, etc)

Use the help command to find the IDs of the objects you are interested in, as specified in the example in the Debugging section. Otherwise use the “player.inv” command to get an ID list of all the objects in your inventory. The “targetID” commands are successful when left-clicking on an NPC while the console is open.

  • player.additem - Add any item to your inventory.

    • Example:

      • player.additem 0006907A 1 - Adds an Aluminum unit.

      • player.additem 0000000f 1000 - Adds 1000 caps to inventory.

  • player.removeitem - Remove a specific number of items from inventory.

  • player.showinventory o player.inv - Shows a list of the inventory followed by the IDs of the various objects.

  • player.equipitem - Equip an inventory item.

  • player.unequipitem - Removes an inventory item from the equipment.

  • targetID.unequipall - Removes all equipment from an NPC.

  • unequipall - With the console open just click on an NPC and type the command to unequip it.

  • targetID.openactorcontainer 1 - Show an NPC's equipment as if it were a chest. Does not work with equipped items.

  • targetID.drop - Forces an NPC to drop a certain number of items in his inventory on the ground.

  • targetID.additem - Places a specific number of items in an NPC's inventory.

  • GetPlayerGrabbedRef - Show ID of a newly collected item. Press and hold the E key, and then activate the console to enter the command.


NPC (Non-playable characters, Gender, Affinity)

The “targetID” commands are successful when left-clicking on an NPC while the console is open.

  • player.placeatme - Makes a creature / person / object appear above you. Clicking on an NPC with the console open and typing "placeatme" without "player." you will be transported onto it.

    • Example: player.placeatme 1db4c 1 - It will cause a Deathclaw to appear above your head.

  • targetID.kill - Kills a target unless essential to the story.

  • targetID.resurrect - Bring an NPC back to life.

  • recycleactor - Reset the status of the NPCs.

  • killall - Kills all enemies in the area, including allies. The essential elements for the story will instead remain on the ground waiting for a Stimpak.

  • targetID.tai - Activate / Deactivate the character's AI.

    • or - Enable / Disable the AI ​​of all NPCs.

  • targetID.ToggleCombatAI o targetID.tcai - Activate / Deactivate the offensive AI of an NPC.

    • tcai - Activate / Deactivate the offensive AI of all NPCs.

  • tdetect - Activate / Deactivate the ability to perceive the surrounding world, such as enemies and other NPCs.

  • targetID.sexchange - Change the gender of an NPC.

  • setessential 1/2 - Allows you to make an NPC immortal and not.

    • setessential 0 - An NPC can be killed.

    • setessential 1 - An NPC cannot be killed.

  • targetID.isessential - Enter the code 0 or 1 after the command if you want an NPC to be killed or not.

  • targetID.getav CA_affinity - Shows the level of affinity with an NPC.

  • targetID.setav CA_affinity - Raise the affinity level with an NPC to the maximum.

  • targetID.modav CA_affinity - Change the level of affinity with an NPC to your liking.

  • resetAi - Reset NPC AI to zero.

  • targetID.ToggleControlsDriven o targetID.tc - Allows you to control an NPC. This command causes the main character and the NPC to perform actions simultaneously. To move only the second, use the command player.tc.

  • pickreferenceid or prid - Same effect as left click while console is open. Useful for executing multiple commands simultaneously.

    • Example:

      • prid 3f2bb; moveto player; - Select Strong as a target and take it to you.


FACTIONS (Remove from factions, Allies, Enemies)

The “targetID” commands are successful when left-clicking on an NPC while the console is open.

  • targetID.AddToFaction <0 or 1> - Adds a target to the faction.

    • Example:

      • player.AddToFaction 0001c21c 1 - Puts the player into a faction. (0 = enemy, 1 = ally)

  • targetID.RemoveFromFaction - Removes a member from the faction.

  • targetID.removefromallfactions - Removes a target from all factions.

  • setally <0 or 1> <0 or 1> - Makes two factions friendly or allied. (0 = friend, 1 = ally)

  • setenemy <0 or 1> <0 or 1> - Makes two factions neutral or enemy. (0 = neutral, 1 = enemy)


CHARACTER (Level, Perk / Specialization, Skill, etc)

  • player.GetValue or player.getav - Show a report of a certain attribute. Instead of you can enter the type of skill for which you require the value. For example “luck, strength, charisma, etc.”.

  • player.setav - Change the base value of the character characteristics.

    • Example:

      • player.setav speedmult 200 - Set the character's base speed to double normal. (100 = Default)

  • player.modav - Change the characteristics of the character based on the numerical value entered.

    • Example:

      • player.modav experience - Change the accumulated experience number.

      • player.modav carryweight 8000 - Change the number of items you can carry.

  • player.addperk - Adds a specialization.

  • player.removeperk - Removes a specialization.

  • player.sexchange - Change the gender of the character.

  • player.setlevel - Raise the character level to that indicated. Cannot be used to level down.

  • advancepcskill - Adds a level to a specific skill.

  • showlooksmenu 1 o slm 1 - Change the character's appearances.

    • Example:

      • showlooksmenu 14 1 - Change the appearances of the main character.

  • showspecialmenu - Brings up the menu for changing the name and SPECIAL characters.

  • player.resethealth - Recharges the vital energy, leaving the radiation.

  • setgs fJumpHeightMin - Change the height of the jump.

    • Example:

      • setgs fJumpHeightMin 180 - Bring the height of the jump to double the normal. (90 = Default)

  • player.moveto - Move the character towards the indicated target.

  • player.setrace - Change the character's race.


INTERACTION WITH OBJECTSI (Picking, Modifying Objects, Weather, etc.)

Objects must be selected with the console open.

  • disable - hides the selected object.
  • enable - show the selected object.
  • attachmod o condition - Adds a change to the object.
  • removemod o rmod - Removes a modification to the object.
  • coc qasmoke - Transport the character to a room with all the objects in the game. To type "coc SanctuaryExt”To go back to the world.
  • lock e unlock - Lock / Unlock a door, crate, terminal and any other locked container.
    • lock 0 - Return to the base block.
    • lock -1 o lock 255 - Requires a key.
    • lock -2 o lock 254 - Inaccessible.
    • lock -3 o lock 253 - Requires a terminal.
    • lock -4 o lock 252 - Stuck.
    • lock -5 o lock 251 - Barred.
  • activated - Activate something that is tied to a switch.
  • market-distributed - Permanently remove an object from the game.
  • zap - Like markfordelete, but causes fewer problems.
  • setopenstate <0 or 2> - Similar to activate, but does not require character interaction.
    • setopenstate 0 - Closed.
    • setopenstate 2 - Open.
  • setownership - Make that item your property. (Useful for the beds, for example)
  • timescale set to - Change the speed of the game time.
    • set timescale to 20 - Basically, 20 seconds of gameplay equals one real second.
    • set timescale to 1 - One second of play equals one second of real life.
    • set timescale to 0 - Stop the time.
  • set gamehour to - Bring the game time to the desired time. Use GetCurrentTime to get the current time.
  • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_- Modify the characteristics concerning the legendary enemies, without affecting the basic difficulty.
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_VE - Very easy.
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_E - Easy.
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_N - Normal.
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_H - Difficult.
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_VH - Very difficult.
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_SV - Survival.
  • forceweather or fw - Changing climatic conditions.


SETTLEMENTS (Happiness, Greatness, Resources, etc)

To help you create the perfect settlement, we remind you that by activating the God Mode you will have infinite resources to use. For most of these codes it is necessary to click on the workshop while the console is open.

  • player.placeatme 20593 - Allows you to make a villager appear.
  • player.placeatme c1aeb - Allows you to add a workshop and build your settlement
  • getav 348 e getav 34A - Use this code to figure out how much you have filled the settlement. They are two separate codes that outline the size of the settlement.

Once the value described above is understood, it is possible to change the general size of the settlement:

  • setav 349 is setav 34B - Use to change the basic size of a settlement.
  • modav 349 and modav 34B - Use both codes to change the maximum size of a settlement. It is highly advisable not to overdo it with increasing the size of the second value, otherwise there will be serious consequences for game stability.


  • getav 32e - Show current value.
  • setav 32e - Adds energy to that produced in the settlement.


  • getav 331 - Show current value.
  • setav 331 - Increases the basic production value of plants.


  • getav 332 - Show current value.
  • setav 332 - Increases the basic production value of the pumps.


  • getav 333 - Show current value.
  • setav 333 - Increases the base value of turrets and defense posts.

Happiness (you have to click on the workshop with the console active)

  • getav 00129157 - Show current value.
  • getav 00127238 - Shows the value that the settlement can achieve in terms of happiness. You can change this value with:
    • modav o setav 00129157 - If you want to add a value to the previous one or if you want to change the current value with the inserted one.
    • modav o setav 00127238 - If you want to add a value to the previous one or if you want to change the current value with the inserted one.



Using the bat command it is possible to open a text file inserted in the game directory (SteamSteamappsCommonFallout 4 if we are talking about Steam), in which we have previously entered all the possible commands we need. To come to your rescue, we propose some of the most important groups of codes, which will certainly appeal to the less geeks. However, we remind you to make a copy of the save, in case the changes are not correct.

[toggle title = ”SPECIAL e abilità al massimo “]# SPECIALS player.setav STRENGTH 10; player.setav PERCEPTION 10; player.setav ENDURANCE 10; player.setav CHARISMA 10; player.setav INTELLIGENCE 10; player.setav AGILITY 10; player.setav LUCK 10; # IRON FIST player.addperk 0001DAFE; 1 player.addperk 0001DAFF; 2 player.addperk 0001DB00; 3 player.addperk 00065E42; 4 player.addperk 00065E43; 5 # BIG LEAGUES player.addperk 0004A0B5; 1 player.addperk 000E36FC; 2 player.addperk 000E36FD; 3 player.addperk 000E36FE; 4 player.addperk 00065E05; 5 # ARMORER player.addperk 0004B254; 1 player.addperk 0004B255; 2 player.addperk 0004B256; 3 player.addperk 001797EA; 4 # BLACKSMITH player.addperk 0004B253; 1 player.addperk 0004B26A; 2 player.addperk 000264D8; 3 # HEAVY GUNNER player.addperk 0004A0D6; 1 player.addperk 0004A0D7; 2 player.addperk 0004A0D8; 3 player.addperk 00065E2A; 4 player.addperk 00065E2B; 5 # STRONG BACK player.addperk 0004B24E; 1 player.addperk 00065E5B; 2 player.addperk 00065E5C; 3 player.addperk 001D2489; 4 # STEADY AIM player.addperk 001D2487; 1 player.addperk 001D2488; 2 # BASHER player.addperk 00065DF9; 1 player.addperk 00065DFA; 2 player.addperk 00065DFB; 3 player.addperk 00065DFC; 4 # ROOTED player.addperk 001D247F; 1 player.addperk 001D2480; 2 player.addperk 001D2482; 3 # PAIN TRAIN player.addperk 0004D89B; 1 player.addperk 00065E3C; 2 player.addperk 00065E3D; 3 # PICKPOCKET player.addperk 0004D88A; 1 player.addperk 000E3702; 2 player.addperk 000E3703; 3 player.addperk 001D248F; 4 # RIFLEMAN player.addperk 0004A0B6; 1 player.addperk 0004A0B7; 2 player.addperk 0004A0B8; 3 player.addperk 0006FA20; 4 player.addperk 00065E52; 5 # AWARENESS player.addperk 000D2287; 1 # LOCKSMITH player.addperk 000523FF; 1 player.addperk 00052400; 2 player.addperk 00052401; 3 player.addperk 001D246A; 4 # DEMOLITION EXPERT player.addperk 0004C923; 1 player.addperk 0004C924; 2 player.addperk 0004C925; 3 player.addperk 00065E13; 4 # NIGHT PERSON player.addperk 0004C93B; 1 player.addperk 001D2495; 2 # REFRACTOR player.addperk 000CA99D; 1 player.addperk 000CA99E; 2 player.addperk 000CA99F; 3 player.addperk 00065E4B; 4 player.addperk 00065E4C; 5 # SNIPER player.addperk 0004C92A; 1 player.addperk 0004C92B; 2 player.addperk 0004C92C; 3 # PENETRATOR player.addperk 00024AFF; 1 player.addperk 001D2477; 2 # CONCENTRATED FIRE player.addperk 0004D890; 1 player.addperk 001D2459; 2 player.addperk 001D245A; 3 # TOUGHNESS player.addperk 0004A0AB; 1 player.addperk 0004A0AE; 2 player.addperk 0004A0AF; 3 player.addperk 00065E5D; 4 player.addperk 00065E5E; 5 # LEAD BELLY player.addperk 0004A0B9; 1 player.addperk 00024B00; 2 player.addperk 00024B01; 3 # LIFEGIVER player.addperk 0004A0CF; 1 player.addperk 001D2465; 2 player.addperk 001D2467; 3 # CHEM RESISTANT player.addperk 0004A0D5; 1 player.addperk 00065E0C; 2 # RAD RESISTANT player.addperk 001D2479; 1 player.addperk 001D247A; 2 player.addperk 001D247B; 3 # ADAMANTIUM SKELETON player.addperk 0004C92D; 1 player.addperk 00024AFD; 2 player.addperk 00024AFE; 3 # CANNIBAL player.addperk 0004B259; 1 player.addperk 001D1A62; 2 player.addperk 001D1A63; 3 # GHOULISH player.addperk 0004D89E; 1 player.addperk 00065E22; 2 player.addperk 00065E23; 3 # SOLAR POWERED player.addperk 0004D8A7; 1 player.addperk 001D2484; 2 player.addperk 001D2485; 3 # CAP COLLECTOR player.addperk 001D2456; 1 player.addperk 000D75E2; 2 player.addperk 001D2457; 3 # LONE WANDERER player.addperk 001D246B; 1 player.addperk 001D246D; 2 player.addperk 001D246E; 3 # ATTACK DOG player.addperk 0004B26D; 1 player.addperk 001D244D; 2 player.addperk 001D244E; 3 # ANIMAL FRIEND player.addperk 0001E67F; 1 player.addperk 0004A0D9; 2 player.addperk 001D2450; 3 # LOCAL LEADER player.addperk 0004D88D; 1 player.addperk 001D2468; 2 # INSPIRATIONAL player.addperk 001D2461; 1 player.addperk 001D2462; 2 player.addperk 001D2463; 3 # WASTELAND WHISPERER player.addperk 001D248A; 1 player.addperk 001D248B; 2 player.addperk 001D248C; 3 # INTIMIDATION player.addperk 001D02B5; 1 player.addperk 001D02B6; 2 player.addperk 001D02B7; 3 # V.A.N.S. player.addperk 000207D1; 1 # MEDIC player.addperk 0004C926; 1 player.addperk 0006FA1C; 2 player.addperk 0006FA1D; 3 player.addperk 00065E35; 4 # GUN NUT player.addperk 0004A0DA; 1 player.addperk 0004A0DB; 2 player.addperk 0004A0DC; 3 player.addperk 0016578E; 4 # HACKER player.addperk 00052403; 1 player.addperk 00052404; 2 player.addperk 00052405; 3 player.addperk 001D245D; 4 # SCRAPPER player.addperk 00065E65; 1 player.addperk 001D2483; 2 # SCIENCE! player.addperk 000264D9; 1 player.addperk 000264DA; 2 player.addperk 000264DB; 3 player.addperk 0016578F; 4 # CHEMIST player.addperk 000E36FF; 1 player.addperk 000E3700; 2 player.addperk 000E3701; 3 player.addperk 001D2458; 4 # ROBOTICS EXPERT player.addperk 0004D889; 1 player.addperk 00065E64; 2 player.addperk 001ACF96; 3 # NUCLEAR PHYSICIST player.addperk 001D246F; 1 player.addperk 001D2470; 2 player.addperk 001D2471; 3 # NERD RAGE! player.addperk 0004D886; 1 player.addperk 00065E37; 2 player.addperk 00065E38; 3 # GUNSLINGER player.addperk 0004A09F; 1 player.addperk 0004A0A9; 2 player.addperk 0004A0AA; 3 player.addperk 0006FA1E; 4 player.addperk 00065E24; 5 # COMMANDO player.addperk 0004A0C5; 1 player.addperk 0004A0C6; 2 player.addperk 0004A0C7; 3 player.addperk 0006FA24; 4 player.addperk 00065E0D; 5 # SNEAK player.addperk 0004C935; 1 player.addperk 000B9882; 2 player.addperk 000B9883; 3 player.addperk 000B9884; 4 player.addperk 000B9881; 5 # MISTER SANDMAN player.addperk 0004B258; 1 player.addperk 001D2490; 2 player.addperk 001D2491; 3 # MOVING TARGET player.addperk 0004DDEE; 1 player.addperk 001D2492; 2 player.addperk 001E0791; 3 # NINJA player.addperk 0004D8A6; 1 player.addperk 000E3704; 2 player.addperk 000E3705; 3 # QUICK HANDS player.addperk 000221FC; 1 player.addperk 001D2478; 2 # BLITZ player.addperk 001D2451; 1 player.addperk 001D2452; 2 # GUN FU player.addperk 0004D881; 1 player.addperk 001D244F; 2 player.addperk 001D245C; 3 # FORTUNE FINDER player.addperk 0004C942; 1 player.addperk 001ACF98; 2 player.addperk 001ACF99; 3 player.addperk 00215CD4; 4 # SCROUNGER player.addperk 0004A0B0; 1 player.addperk 001ACF9A; 2 player.addperk 001ACF9B; 3 player.addperk 001EB99C; 4 # BLOODY MESS player.addperk 0004A0BB; 1 player.addperk 001D2453; 2 player.addperk 001D2454; 3 player.addperk 001F418E; 4 # MYSTERIOUS STRANGER player.addperk 0004C929; 1 player.addperk 001D2493; 2 player.addperk 001D2494; 3 # IDIOT SAVANT player.addperk 001D245E; 1 player.addperk 001D245F; 2 player.addperk 001D2460; 3 # BETTER CRITICALS player.addperk 0004D87A; 1 player.addperk 00065E03; 2 player.addperk 00065E04; 3 # CRITICAL BANKER player.addperk 0004C91F; 1 player.addperk 0004C920; 2 player.addperk 0004C921; 3 # GRIM REAPER'S SPRINT player.addperk 0004D8A2; 1 player.addperk 00065E3E; 2 player.addperk 00065E3F; 3 # FOUR LEAF CLOVER player.addperk 0004D895; 1 player.addperk 00065E20; 2 player.addperk 00065E21; 3 player.addperk 001D245B; 4 # RICOCHET player.addperk 001D247C; 1 player.addperk 001D247D; 2 player.addperk 001D247E; 3 # # THE FOLLOWING PERK MAY VARY ACCORDING TO THE GENDER (FEMALE MALE) # REMOVE THE # ONLY BEFORE THE “player.addperk” RELATED TO THE GENDER OF YOUR CHARACTER.
[/ toggles]

[toggle title = ”All collectible magazines”] # Astoundingly Awesome Tales player.additem 16969a player.additem 16969b player.additem 16969c player.additem 16969d player.additem 16969e player.additem 16969f player.additem 1696a0 player.additem 1696a 1a1696 player.additem 2a1696 player.additem 3a1696 player.additem 4a1696 player.additem 5a1696 player.additem 6a1696 #Covert Operations Manual player.additem 7e8 player.additem 737e8 player.additem 738e8 739e8 player.additem player. .additem 73e8d player.additem 73e8e player.additem 73e8f player.additem 73e8 #Grognak the Barbarian player.additem 73e8 player.additem 73e8 player.additem 740e8 player.additem 741e8 player.addem 742e8ad player. 743e8 player.additem 744e8 player.additem 745e8a #Guns and Bullets player.additem 746a8 player.additem 747a8 player.additem 748a8 player.additem 749a8 player.additem 74a92a player.additem 83a92b pla yer.additem 87a92c player.additem 88a92d player.additem 89a92e player.additem 8a92f #Live & Love player.additem 8da92 player.additem 8db92 player.additem 8dc92 player.additem 8cc92 player.additem 8cccem184 player.addit7 player. additem 184c9e184 player.additem 6d185cd2 #Massachusetts Surgical Journal player.additem 185e1b player.additem 2e24c player.additem 1e2d player.additem 26e1e player.additem 2e28f player.additem 1e1 player.additem 6e8f 74 player.additem 8e74f 8 player.add Junktown Jerky Vendor player.additem 74a8 player.additem 74a8 player.additem 74a8 player.additem 750a8 player.additem 751a1 player.additem 1a53 player.additem 1a1 player.additem 55a92a #Tesla Science Magazine player.additem 63aaddit 92 player.addit64 player 92aad 65a92a player.additem 66a92b player.additem 67a92c player.additem 68a92d player.additem 69a92e player.additem 6a92f player.additem 78a92 #Tumblers Today player.additem 79a92d player.additem 7a92f player.addit em 7a92 player.additem 7a92 player.additem 7a92 #Unstoppables player.additem 7 player.additem 92f7 player.additem 92f80 player.additem 92f6 player.additem 92f6 player.additem 92f70 #Wastem Survivaldit player 92 player. additem 71f92d player.additem 72f132979e player.additem 135cba player.additem 03cbd player.additem 135cc04 player.additem 135cca player.additem 05cd135 #Hot Rodder player.additem 06a135 player.additem 07cbf player.additem 8ifcd75 player. additem 135c0ed #Picket Fences player.additem 135a0 player.additem 135d0b player.additem 185db185 player.additem 185cdd player.additem 4cee #RobCo Fun player.additem 185da185 player.additem 8db180 player.additem24ditemoo player. 185a185a player.additem 1d9473b player.additem 1da63 player.additem 180dc36 player.additem 184ce8 #Total Hack player.additem 184 player.additem 7 player.additem 185 # You're SPECIAL!
[/ toggles]

[toggle title = ”10 ammo for all weapons”] # Bullets player.additem 0001F66B 10000; .308 Round player.additem 0004CE87 10000; .38 Round player.additem 0009221C 10000; .44 Round player.additem 0001F66A 10000; .45 Round player.additem 0001F279 10000; .50 Caliber player.additem 0001F276 10000; 10mm Round player.additem 0001F278 10000; 5.56 Round player.additem 0001F66C 10000; 5mm Round player.additem 0001F673 10000; Shotgun Shell # Explosives player.additem 000E6B2E 10000; Mini Nuke (fat man) player.additem 000CABA3 10000; Missile # Energy player.additem 0018ABDF 10000; 2mm Electromagnetic Cartridge player.additem 001025AA 10000; Alien Blaster Round player.additem 0018ABE2 10000; Cryo Cell player.additem 000C1897 10000; Fusion Cell (weapons) player.additem 00075FE4 10000; Fusion Core (power armor) player.additem 000DF279 10000; Round range player.additem 0001DBB7 10000; Plasma Cartridge # Other player.additem 000CAC78 10000; Flamer Fuel player.additem 001025AE 10000; Flare player.additem 000E942C 10000; Junk player.additem 000FD11C 10000; Cannonball player.additem 000FE269 10000; Railway Spike # Syringes player.additem 00058AE9 10000; Berserk Syringe player.additem 00058AEB 10000; Bleed Out Syringe player.additem 000375BB 10000; Bloatfly Larva Syringe player.additem 00058AF2 10000; Endangerol Syringe player.additem 00058AF4 10000; Lock Joint Syringe player.additem 00058AF5 10000; Mind Cloud Syringe player.additem 00058AF7 10000; Pax Syringe player.additem 00058B0C 10000; Radscorpion Venom Syringe player.additem 00058B0E 10000; Yellow Belly Syringe [/ toggle]
[/ toggles]

[toggle title = ”10 units for all materials”] player.additem 001BF72D 10000; Acid player.additem 001BF72E 10000; Adhesive player.additem 0006907A 10000; Aluminum player.additem 001BF72F 10000; Antiseptic player.additem 000AEC5C 10000; Asbestos player.additem 000AEC5B 10000; Ballistic Fiber player.additem 000AEC5D 10000; Bone player.additem 000AEC5E 10000; Ceramic player.additem 0006907B 10000; Circuitry player.additem 000AEC5F 10000; Cloth player.additem 00106D99 10000; Concrete player.additem 0006907C 10000; Copper player.additem 000AEC60 10000; Cork player.additem 0006907D 10000; Crystal player.additem 001BF730 10000; Fertilizer player.additem 00069087 10000; Fiber Optics player.additem 000AEC61 10000; Fiberglass player.additem 0006907E 10000; Gear player.additem 00069085 10000; Glass player.additem 000AEC62 10000; Gold player.additem 000AEC63 10000; Lead player.additem 000AEC64 10000; Leather player.additem 00069086 10000; Nuclear Material player.additem 001BF732 10000; Oil player.additem 0006907F 10000; Plastic player.additem 00106D98 10000; Rubber player.additem 00069081 10000; Screw player.additem 000AEC66 10000; Silver player.additem 00069082 10000; Spring player.additem 000731A4 10000; Steel player.additem 000731A3 10000; Wood player.additem 000F742E 10000; Carrot player.additem 000330F8 10000; Corn player.additem 000EF24D 10000; Gourd player.additem 000FAFEB 10000; Melon player.additem 00033102 10000; Mutfruit player.additem 000E0043 10000; Razorgrain player.additem 0009DCC4 10000; Tato [/ toggle]
[/ toggles]

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