Fallout 4 - How to have infinite caps

Fallout 4 - How to have infinite caps
Money Equals Power

The Bethesda titles are famous for the huge amount of bugs present in them, so much so that they have almost become a trademark. Among the many programming errors that could ruin your saves, there are a few that can be used to your advantage. And in this article we will talk about just that: three simple tricks to get infinite caps in Fallout 4

Fallout 4 - How to have infinite caps

In this guide we will report three main methods to succeed in your intent to get rich by exploiting the bugs of the game, but it must be noted that one of these is not working in all the patches prior to 1.02.

Infinite pre-patch caps
  1. Find any merchant who sells a lot of ammo and buy an entire stack of a single ammo.
  2. Sell ​​one unit of that stack of ammo you bought to the merchant.
  3. Sell ​​all remaining stack to the merchant.
  4. One unit will magically remain in your inventory.
  5. By continuing to click sell you will notice that you can continue to sell that cartridge indefinitely, without ever seeing it vanish from your inventory.
  6. Once the trader runs out of caps, wait 24 hours for him to recover and continue with the glitch.
Infinite post-patch caps

If you are one of those who have updated the game to the latest version, then you will just have to try these a bit more woody glitches.

Both methods rely on duplicating objects via Dogmeat.

First Method

To perform this procedure you will need to have finished the main storyline:

  1. Get a Reactor Coolant (Craftable by combining 3 Antifreeze Canisters 2 Nuclear Material 5 Dirty Water and a Petrol Can)
  2. Duplicate it as many times as you want
  3. Go to the Prydwen, continue straight until you reach the Censor Ingram and give him the cans (100 caps for each can)
Second Method

For this method instead it will not be necessary to have completed the main plot:

  1. Go into Prydwen, turn right as you enter to find the Quinlan censor.
  2. Get his quest to unlock the ability to find Technical Documentation around the game map
  3. Once you have found only one Technical Documentation, duplicate it as many times as you want
  4. Go back to Quinlan and give him the documentation (25 caps for each unit)

ATTENTION: With both procedures it will not be possible to decide how many units to give to the NPC, but they will all be removed. So our advice is to always leave Reactor Coolant or Technical Documentation out of your inventory before speaking to one of the Censors.



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