NieR Reincarnation postponed to 2021

    NieR Reincarnation postponed to 2021

    At the 2020 edition of The Game Awards we reviewed the remake of NieR Replicant which showed how the first game in the franchise was remade. However, it's not the only game in the series to come, given that too mobile title NieR Reincarnation is still in the pipeline. Unfortunately, as you will have understood from the title, we will talk about it again in the new year. Basically, the reasons for the postponement to 2021 are not known, but we feel we can say that NieR Reincarnation is yet another victim of a truly terrible 2020.


    NieR Reincarnation postponed to 2021

    As you can see on the official Twitter profile, it was announced that the game would be postponed to early 2021.

    【サ ー ビ ス 開始 時期 に つ い て の お 知 ら せ】
    当初 よ り 2020 年内 の 正式 サ ー ビ ス 開始 を 目 指 し 開 発 を 進 め て ま い り ま し た が 、 2021 年前 半 サ ー ビ ス 開始 予 定 と な り ま し た。
    配 信 を 楽 し み に お 待 ち い た だ い て い る 皆 さ ま に 深 く お 詫 び 申 し 上 げ ま す。 (詳細 は 公式 サ イ ト を ご 覧 く だ リ い) # カ # カ

    - NieR Re [in] carnation (@NieR_Rein) December 11, 2020

    Nier Reincarnation will be released this year in Japan. We don't know much about the game yet, we've only seen scattered fragments. For a long time it was thought that the title was just a runner game until it was stated that it had some kind of combat system. We just have to wait and see what it will look like when it comes out next year.

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