The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Even in a post-apocalyptic world like the one that Naughty Dog offers us with his latest masterpiece The Last of Us Part II, the most fussy will not miss the opportunity to explore every ravine to collect everything possible. Hidden throughout her adventure, Ellie will have the chance to find and collect 48 trading cards dedicated to comic book superheroes. Some of these cards also feature references to the game's development team.

    In this guide you will find the exact location of all 48 cards found in the Quarantine Zone and beyond in The Last of Us Part II. Some of these are easy enough to find, but others are hidden away in secret corners.

    Location of trading cards

    Prologue Jakson

    Awakening Chapter

    Seismilcaya card - Once you wake up for the first time in Jackson and grab your jacket and knife, walk the streets with Jesse. Once you cross the Main Street gate, the first left will find the card attached to a notice board around the corner from the Main Street Gallery.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Keene twins card - After you take the shortcut in Jackson's saloon, look to your right to find the card near the target.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Patrol chapter

    Tesseracter card - This card can be found in one of the houses when you are on patrol in the snow with Dina. Look for a sign that says "house for sale open" with an arrow pointing to a snowy truck in the snow. You will find the card on a bookcase in the bedroom.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Laurent Foucault card - The card in question can be found in Eugene's hiding place after the blizzard. After finding the pendant confirming Eugene's membership in the Lights, you will find a plush giraffe in the next room on the right. In front of the giraffe there will be a small storage room where the card is located.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Day 1 The Gate

    Motivator card - This is where you ride in the forest with Dina. Follow the path until you come in sight of the first abandoned cars near the bus stop. Get off your horse and you will find the card at the bus stop.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Starfire Kids card - Keep riding from the last position until you get off the main road. Ahead you will see a sign that says "Seattle North", with a shelter on the left. Inside, on a bulletin board, you will find the card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Chessmaster card - As you approach the Seattle Quarantine Zone and climb over the wall, proceed along a walkway. Once you reach the ladder on the other side, look behind you to find another ladder that leads to a secret area with another card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Oozer card - On the other side of the wall, once you have solved the generator puzzle to open the gate, throw the cable over the mobile office and climb on it. Above you will find the card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Downtown chapter

    Doctor Uckmann card - Just in front of where you enter the first large area, you will find a destroyed building that you can enter. Break a window, go back inside and once you climb a flight of stairs you will find various objects, including the Doctor Uckmann card (a small tribute to Neil Druckmann -ndr)

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Das Wort card - You can find this card in the first large area in the center, downstairs in a drawer of the Valiant music store.

    Flo's card - You can find this card on Madison Street near the top left of the map. You have to go through a small crack. You will find it in a safe, the combination of which can be found in old diaries. Alternatively, we refer you to our guide to safes.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Big Blue card - This card can be found in the coffee shop north of the city center map, in a restaurant on Spring Street. Check inside the drawers and you will find it.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Know It All card - Once you have passed the gate marked “fuck FEDRA” and entered the hotel, go up to the upper floor. Enter the room behind the corpse at the top, then into the adjacent room. On your left you will see a television and in the cabinet below, precisely in the drawers, you will find a note. In front there will be a bedside table with a drawer. The card is inside.

    Eastbrook Elementary Chapter

    Cardio card - After the first encounter with the human enemies, you will follow a linear path through some roofs until you get to a point where you have to jump onto a balcony. In this building, jump over some overturned furniture and enter the room to your right to find the card in a nightstand drawer.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Capitol Hill Chapter

    Kinnard card - After exiting the school, follow Dina down the street and turn right. Look for the open door of house number 3. Inside you will find a piece of furniture and, in one of the drawers, you will find the card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Rockafella card - Once back down to street level and using the skyscrapers as a reference point for orientation, you will need to explore a motel. Look for room number three on the ground floor. The door will be locked, so you'll need to enter the open room next to it, exit the back window and reenter room number three. On the floor, near the television, you will find Rockafella.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Doctor Stem card - You will find yourself in WLF territory and have recently fought or avoided a group of armed soldiers, and you are heading towards the TV station. Eventually you will find yourself in a bookstore where you will find a book titled Sorority Secrets. From there head to the bookshop café, where there will be a magazine with a typewriter. In front of the typewriter, head to the door on the right and enter the dark room ahead. You will find the card next to a turntable on your left.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Sergeant Frost's card - As you walk through the streets, you will eventually have to climb a ladder over an old FEDRA checkpoint to advance. Instead of climbing the ladder, go across the street to find the Live Street Market on your right. Inside you will find four infected. Kill them to collect Sergeant Frost's card from the locker in the back room.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Candelabra card - As soon as you push Dina over the obstacle, you will find yourself facing a field full of booby traps. On your left there will be a shop that you can enter once you have blown up all the infected with the help of the traps. The card is located near an ATM.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Bizzarebra card - In the tripwire area, look to your left to see the Wellwishes store. Head inside and grab the card from the children's bookcase inside.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Chapter TV Station Channel 13

    Kimimela paper - Inside the TV station, head upstairs and look for an office with an accessible balcony. There is a locked door, but it is possible to go from the outside and enter through the window. You will find the card in the smaller of the two offices, on a desk.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Chapter I Tunnels

    Imp card - After crawling under the train and approaching the door illuminated by the red light, you will pass the door and find the card under the door of a train, hidden in some garbage bags.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Dr. Daniela Star card - Once you pass the sections in the TV station and the subway, you will raise a shutter under which Dina will pass. You will then come to a blue door which will lead you to an office. Once inside you have to go to the back corner, far right of the room, and crawl under a table. This will lead you to a crack in a wall which in turn will lead you behind the locked and fenced area. Here you will find card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Bastet card - You will arrive at the scene of a train accident. At the point where Dina says she sees a light and asks to be pulled up, go to your left and crouch under an overturned carriage. You will find the card inside.

    Chapter The Theater

    Mortem card - When you meet the Theater with Dina, it will be necessary to search the place to make sure there are no dangers. The card is located on the first floor in a breakable case. You need to jump off the balcony and break the glass on the right in order to pick it up.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Beyond card - You will find this card inside the Theater. Go up the stairs, go straight and follow the corridor on the right. At the end, next to the overturned sofa, you will find card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Chapter The Museum, The Birthday Present

    Nighthawk card - The cards in this flashback are a really nice easter egg. In the dinosaur exhibit with Joel, the card is on the bench next to the bathroom to the left of the triceratops.

    Saura card - Later in the Museum, once separated from Joel, you will find the card on a bench just to the right of the exhibit where a moose is being chased by wolves.

    Day 2

    Hillcrest chapter

    Wachumero card - After leaving the Theater, you will head to the Hillcrest area. Once you've regained control after the cutscene, turn around and look at the ledge behind you. Get out and break the truck window to get to the card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Sahir the Sorcerer card - Right at the start of Hillcrest, Ellie watches a pack of Wolves move away from the hill towards the stadium. Instead of following them to the right, turn left through a crevice in the bushes to get to the Caroline Paper Co. Climb the dumpster to be able to enter. At the back of the shop you will find the card in a cardboard box. You may need to adjust the shot with the analog stick to see it, as it is well hidden.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Card of Naledi the Youth - Once you pass the WLF and their dogs, you will come to a square. Put the dumpster on a ramp, climb up on it and jump over the wall. Once you pass the wall, you will find the card in the corner, next to a bicycle.

    Brainstorm card - As you make your way to Hillcrest, you will see a scene where you hear an explosion. After passing some infected, you will reach an area where you can play "Hot Fuzz" and jump over the garden fences. As you progress, you will see a yellow children's house on your left. The card is hidden in a hole in one of the walls of the house.

    Reverb card - After taking the arch towards the end of the Hillcrest area, you will see a yellow house with a blue car outside. The card is under a bed on the top floor of the house.

    Flashback Finding Strings

    Autringer card - You can find this card in Ellie's flashback traveling with Joel. When you see the Music Store sign in the distance, head in that direction, jump over a vehicle and descend onto the waterlogged and sunken road. You will find the card in the abandoned car right in front of you.

    Chapter I Seraphites

    Randy Styles card - After Ellie leaves on her mission to the hospital, you will arrive at a supermarket called Quickmart. Inside you will find a trading card display under a “smooth taste” sign on one of the shelves.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Shift card - There are some infected nearby, but once defeated, buildings can be explored. One of these is a congress center that has Serafiti graffiti inside that read: "Feel your love". Enter the elevator shaft on your left and go up the stairs to the upper floor. Above you will find a rope. You will have to break through the window to the outside, shoot out towards the glass panels so that the iron structure remains exposed and that you can throw the rope in order to hook it and swing to overcome the broken roof and enter the next room, managing to bypass the closed door. The trading card will be placed on a sofa in the room.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Star Sign card - Further up the road from the convention center, you will find an explorable condominium on your left. Go up to the door, then look down the stairs to your right to see the entrance to a tunnel. To get through the locked door on the left, you'll need to break the window on the landing, exit, jump to the other side and go back. In the bedroom you will find a safe, but you will find the card in the bedside drawer.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Arch-Enemy card - In the next area, after passing through the comic fair, you will climb up a ledge. Turn your gaze to the right and you will see that you will have to break glass to enter a greenhouse. Once you jump down to the ground floor, on the left side of the room you will see a locked door. Go around the locked room, break the overhead window and enter. In a drawer you will find the card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Doppelganger card - Later in the adventure, after the sewer, you will come to an apartment building called Garden Suites. As you go up the stairs inside, take a turn to the back of the stairs to find the card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Bhat M'Andarr card - After the first real meeting with the Seraphites, you will find yourself on a roof. Use the ladder to go down into the water and swim to shore. Go up the stairs and enter the Weston Pharmacy. You will find the card immediately on your left as you enter the door.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Day 3

    Chapter Road to the Aquarium

    Esquire card - Once you have regained control at the beginning of the third day, instead of advancing through the theater curtain, look to the left to find the card in front of some monitors on the stage.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Blizzard card - Once you exit the theater with Jesse you will reach a building accessible by breaking through a window or by crouching under a door. You will find yourself in a room filled with various shipping materials and packaging. Go through the blue door and go down the dark corridor in front of you. At this point, go past the toilet, until you come to a set of double doors on your left. In front of them there will be another door. Crawl under some furniture to enter. Inside you will find materials, a workbench and the card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Tanager card - You can find this card in the library, near the customer service desk on the ground floor, not far from the foot of an escalator. Next to the counter is a makeshift fort made from bookcases and an old mattress. Crouch under it and you will find the card inside.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Tatuaje card - After crossing the bridge and deciding to steal a boat to get to the Ferris wheel, you will descend to another area and crawl under some rubble to advance. After crawling, don't interact with the pipes to your right, but walk forward to find the card on a locker in front of you.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Chapter The Flooded City

    Sheff's L'Ho phad card - When driving the boat, after the first stretch of rapids, the path is blocked by a gate. Before you go to pick it up, turn around and look behind you. Here you will find a door that leads to a side room. Inside, in a drawer, you will find the card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    Khazakh Bright card - After clearing the arcade, at the bottom right there is a grate above the prize balcony, which can be opened. On the other side, just look at the bottom right under the counter to see the card.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards

    The Last of Us: Part II - Location of all cards


    Pushing Inland chapter

    CBB-73 card - Once you exit the beach, you will find some infected, vehicles and houses in front of you as you head up the hill. Eventually you come to a crack in a wall under which you have to crouch. Go past the fountain and face the Clicker on the roof to your right. Get into the car and from there onto the roof. Take a right on the next raised piece of roof and jump through the window inside the building. Go through the door on your right and you will find the card in the toilet inside.

    Chapter The Resort

    Sparkthug card - In the same area where you will see the Rattlers teasing the Runner, there is a card in the back building. You will find it on a round table to your right next to a stereo. It is the building with the "4" written on it.


    And with this last card you will have collected all the collectibles and helped Ellie to fully complete her deck and her collection.

    ► The Last of Us: Part II is an Adventure-Action-Horror-Survival game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 19/06/2020
    The Last of Us: Part II is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 98%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of The Last of Us: Part II

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